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Visual Impairment

Itinerant Teachers of the Visually Impaired (TVI) and Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialists (COMS) provide a wide range of services to students and school districts including:

  • Provide functional vision evaluations and written reports needed for ETRs/IEPs
  • Teaches students how to cope with their visual impairment in the school environment  
  • Order materials provided through Federal Quota Fund registration  
  • Consults and supports school teams regarding students with visual impairments in accessing their environment and curriculum
  • Provides orientation and mobility services

The TVI and/or COMS role is to work with the student with visual impairments through direct and or consultation with the school team on areas to provide access to the curriculum as needed per student. Teachers of the Visually Impaired can help students with visual impairments by developing, selecting, and modifying instructional plans and materials to meet the needs of students utilizing braille, large print, and technological devices.

Team Leader:

Megan Gehring
Megan Gehring
937-393-1904 x2139